Trader Joe - Avalanche's Premier Decentralized Exchange


Trader Joe is your gateway to Avalanche's top decentralized exchange (DEX), offering a comprehensive decentralized finance (DeFi) services suite. These include trading, staking, farming yields, lending, borrowing, liquidity pools, leverage trading, NFTs, and even launching new projects. Whether you're an experienced crypto enthusiast or a newcomer, Trader Joe provides an accessible and feature-rich platform to explore the world of DeFi.

Trader Joe is a one-stop shop for special financial services within the DeFi ecosystem. It's a decentralized digital marketplace, meaning no central authority controls it. Launched in 2021, Trader Joe has quickly become a significant player in the Avalanche ecosystem, attracting around $4 billion in assets and establishing itself as the largest DEX on Avalanche.

Multi-Chain Trading

Trader Joe can trade across various blockchains, including Avalanche, Arbitrum, Ethereum, and BNB Chain. Beyond trading, the platform offers several other features, such as staking your cryptocurrency, borrowing and lending money, and participating in the NFT market.

Connecting Your Wallet

Connecting your wallet to Trader Joe is essential to accessing its features. If you're using MetaMask, you can switch from the Ethereum network to the Avalanche network by going to Settings, then Networks, and selecting Avalanche. If Avalanche isn't listed, you can add it manually by going to Settings, choosing Add Custom RPC, and entering the Avalanche details.

Ensure your MetaMask wallet has some AVAX tokens, as you'll need them to cover transaction fees on the Avalanche network. You can explore Trader Joe's features once your wallet is set up and connected to Trader Joe.

Swapping Tokens

Go to the trade page on the Trader Joe platform to swap tokens. Select the tokens you want to trade by searching for them or entering their contract addresses. Enter the amount you want to swap and confirm the transaction in your wallet. The swap usually happens within seconds, and you can refresh your browser to see your updated balances.

Understanding slippage is crucial when swapping tokens. Slippage is the difference between the expected and actual token prices during a trade. Adjusting your slippage settings helps control the percentage of slippage allowed during trades. The trade will automatically cancel for safety if the slippage exceeds your set limit.

Adding Liquidity

Liquidity pools are essential for smooth and efficient decentralized trading. When you add your tokens to Trader Joe liquidity pools, you earn a portion of the trading fees generated on the platform. To add liquidity, go to the pool section, select the tokens you want to add, and approve the transactions in your wallet. You'll receive LP tokens representing your share of the pool.

Trader Joe offers a zap feature that simplifies adding liquidity by directly converting your tokens to the correct LP tokens. Providing liquidity comes with the risk of impermanent loss, which occurs when the value of your deposited tokens changes. Be cautious of this risk when adding liquidity.

Yield Farming

Yield farming on Trader Joe allows you to earn additional tokens as a reward for providing liquidity. In the farm section, you can stake your LP tokens in various farms to earn rewards. Besides earning the pool APR, you'll also receive Joe tokens as additional rewards.

NFT Marketplace

Trader Joe NFT marketplace, Joepegs, lets you buy and sell unique AVAX NFTs. Although smaller than other NFT marketplaces, Joepegs offers a range of digital collectibles. To purchase an NFT, select the collection, choose the NFT, and confirm the transaction in your wallet.


Trader Joe offers a comprehensive DeFi experience on the Avalanche blockchain, combining trading, liquidity provision, yield farming, and NFTs. It's an all-in-one platform to make your crypto journey exciting and rewarding. Get started on Trader Joe, explore its features, and exploit its opportunities. Happy trading!

One-stop decentralized trading



Swap tokens with low fees



Provide liquidity and earn fees



Stake JOE tokens and earn rewards



Buy and sell NFTs

Trader Joe - Avalanche's Premier Decentralized Exchange


Trader Joe is your gateway to Avalanche's top decentralized exchange (DEX), offering a comprehensive decentralized finance (DeFi) services suite. These include trading, staking, farming yields, lending, borrowing, liquidity pools, leverage trading, NFTs, and even launching new projects. Whether you're an experienced crypto enthusiast or a newcomer, Trader Joe provides an accessible and feature-rich platform to explore the world of DeFi.

Trader Joe is a one-stop shop for special financial services within the DeFi ecosystem. It's a decentralized digital marketplace, meaning no central authority controls it. Launched in 2021, Trader Joe has quickly become a significant player in the Avalanche ecosystem, attracting around $4 billion in assets and establishing itself as the largest DEX on Avalanche.

Multi-Chain Trading

Trader Joe can trade across various blockchains, including Avalanche, Arbitrum, Ethereum, and BNB Chain. Beyond trading, the platform offers several other features, such as staking your cryptocurrency, borrowing and lending money, and participating in the NFT market.

Connecting Your Wallet

Connecting your wallet to Trader Joe is essential to accessing its features. If you're using MetaMask, you can switch from the Ethereum network to the Avalanche network by going to Settings, then Networks, and selecting Avalanche. If Avalanche isn't listed, you can add it manually by going to Settings, choosing Add Custom RPC, and entering the Avalanche details.

Ensure your MetaMask wallet has some AVAX tokens, as you'll need them to cover transaction fees on the Avalanche network. You can explore Trader Joe's features once your wallet is set up and connected to Trader Joe.

Swapping Tokens

Go to the trade page on the Trader Joe platform to swap tokens. Select the tokens you want to trade by searching for them or entering their contract addresses. Enter the amount you want to swap and confirm the transaction in your wallet. The swap usually happens within seconds, and you can refresh your browser to see your updated balances.

Understanding slippage is crucial when swapping tokens. Slippage is the difference between the expected and actual token prices during a trade. Adjusting your slippage settings helps control the percentage of slippage allowed during trades. The trade will automatically cancel for safety if the slippage exceeds your set limit.

Adding Liquidity

Liquidity pools are essential for smooth and efficient decentralized trading. When you add your tokens to Trader Joe liquidity pools, you earn a portion of the trading fees generated on the platform. To add liquidity, go to the pool section, select the tokens you want to add, and approve the transactions in your wallet. You'll receive LP tokens representing your share of the pool.

Trader Joe offers a zap feature that simplifies adding liquidity by directly converting your tokens to the correct LP tokens. Providing liquidity comes with the risk of impermanent loss, which occurs when the value of your deposited tokens changes. Be cautious of this risk when adding liquidity.

Yield Farming

Yield farming on Trader Joe allows you to earn additional tokens as a reward for providing liquidity. In the farm section, you can stake your LP tokens in various farms to earn rewards. Besides earning the pool APR, you'll also receive Joe tokens as additional rewards.

NFT Marketplace

Trader Joe NFT marketplace, Joepegs, lets you buy and sell unique AVAX NFTs. Although smaller than other NFT marketplaces, Joepegs offers a range of digital collectibles. To purchase an NFT, select the collection, choose the NFT, and confirm the transaction in your wallet.


Trader Joe offers a comprehensive DeFi experience on the Avalanche blockchain, combining trading, liquidity provision, yield farming, and NFTs. It's an all-in-one platform to make your crypto journey exciting and rewarding. Get started on Trader Joe, explore its features, and exploit its opportunities. Happy trading!